Monoplace Hyperbaric Chambers

Single Patient at a time

Multiplace Hyperbaric Chambers

Multiple Patients at a time
Multiplace Chambers For Sale

Reimers Systems 6000D Series Multiplace

The Reimers 6000D Series is a smaller dual-lock chamber that is ideal for use in smaller clinical settings where there is often a need to treat multiple patients with oxygen therapy at the same time.

6 Month Warranty

with extended warranty options


Reimers Systems Inc. has been manufacturing innovative and high-quality hyperbaric chambers and related medical equipment since the company first opened in 1994. The company offers several dozen different models of these oxygen therapy chambers and chambers designed for research purposes.

While there are numerous models manufactured by this forward-thinking company, the Reimers 6000D Series is a smaller dual-lock chamber that is ideal for use in smaller clinical settings where there is often a need to treat multiple patients with oxygen therapy at the same time.

There are two models available in the Reimers 6000D Series, and they can accommodate either four or six seated patients in the main lock area plus one patient in the entry lock area. The chambers can also hold one patient in a supine position and one seated attendant.



A 32-inch rounded door with a davit hinge
30-inch rounded entry lock doors
Five windows in main lock and two windows in entry lock, all measuring 10 inches in diameter
Attendant folding jump seat can be stored away
Five total lights
6.5 ATA pressure capability, 6 PSI per minute pressurization
Patient stations accommodate nebulizers, hoods and masks
Breathing air manifolds
Full-time oxygen analysis
Full-time video monitoring
Four station powered phone
Deluge and hand lines
Patient entertainment system

Multiplace Chambers For Sale

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Reimers Systems 6000D Series Multiplace

6 Month Warranty

with extended warranty options


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